Statistics about VR in travel and tourism
After discussing the use of VR in (tourism) marketing, VR as travel inspiration or VR as a way of enhancing visits to a museum or other experiences, it’s now time for some numbers. A lot of statistics and estimations regarding investments and revenues, hardware and content development as well as about fields of application are already existing. We are focussing on a special branch, therefore:
Let’s have a look at some statistics about VR in travel and tourism.
A study conducted by Greenlight VR in the US in 2015 (n = 2.282) reveals that gaming and travel are the two VR activities Americans see the highest potential in. Both Generation X and Baby Boomers ranked travel as the most preferred activity in VR. Generation Z as well as Millenials ranked gaming first, travel second. Travel and gaming are followed by movies, TV and live music events. More than half a year later, the results look quite differently (n=1.283). More than 70% of the respondents are interested in travel content. However, these statistics do not clarify if the use of VR is considered as marketing means, a source of inspiration or virtual travel as a substitute.
Study by Greenlight VR: Fields of Application
In an overview about market potentials, Statista GmbH also refers to the American market. 74% of 1.013 respondents (aged 14-49 years) consider gaming as the most likely field of application, followed by movies and TV, military and adult entertainment. Only 12% see potential in VR content for travel and tourism. A similar result reveals the study by Softonic – 11% believe in virtual travel, the majority (69%) sees gaming as the primary planned activity.
As diverse digital platforms (rating platforms, online maps, street view, blogs, etc.) are already used to reduce risk when it comes to travel planning and booking, VR is also seen as a potential technology. To get a more detailed picture about VR in travel, Statista Digital Market Outlook conducted a survey in Germany (n = 1.001). 62% would consider VR as a tool for holiday planning, whereas 49% would only use it if it is provided for free and 13% would be willing to pay for it.
Statista Digital Market Outlook: VR as a tool for holiday planning
A similar result shows a recently released trend report by ZEISS and YouGov. 73% of the entrepreneurs surveyed expect that VR will be used by customers as a tool to assist in the decision making process for travel related decisions such as destination or hotel choices. 61% see a potential in the technologies of VR and AR in a travel context. 61% see the application of VR in a travel related context.
YouGov also had a closer look at the MENASA market (Middle East, North Africa and South Asia). 51% of the 10.008 respondents from 21 countries consider VR as the most appealing technological concept to aid their travel booking process. 64% would be willing to visit a travel store with the technology and 31% could imagine booking a trip after experiencing VR in a store. 71% would download travel-specific VR content.
Study conducted by YouGov: Travel booking trends MENASA
We are happy to see that according to statistics about VR in travel and tourism, the acceptance of VR in this context is already given to a certain extent. We are convinced that the more people will have the opportunity to experience VR for themselves, the bigger the number of proponents for VR in tourism will get.
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